Monday, March 16, 2009


Most of us just want to come to work, do our job and go home. But security is part of our daily work routine. Here is part of my report for the March 11Th MWAA Safety Meeting. The new MWAA Safety Officer for 2009, Dean Pound, would like to refresh employees of their responsibilities as badge holders.

What to do if an alarm is tripped while entering or exiting a security door?
Or you hear a door alarm blaring with no one in proximity of the door?

FIRST DON"T WALK AWAY ! ! ! Call 2- 3667 to report the alarm.

They will know the alarm has been triggered, which also means security will be coming to investigate.

To make it easy the airport came up with an easy dial of letters 2-DOOR.

Remember there are 1,100 security cameras on the airport. When a door is opened or an alarm is triggered, cameras are cued to record who has accessed. Be aware, TSA personnel are not always in bold blue shirts. They have plain clothes inspectors (with arresting authority!) conducting DOOR alarm tests. If we fail the test a $50 dollar fine with MANDATORY SIDA training before we can function on the AOA again. (Airport Operation Area). If you don't want to use your cell phone, use your radio to call the MOC and have them call MWAA - 2-DOOR. Otherwise DO NOT LEAVE the area until the alarm is reset. Simply report to MWAA the door number and the alarm has been tripped. The airport will request your badge number for logging purposes only and reset the alarm.